For the devoted camper, hunter, or nature lover, late fall is the ideal time to be outside. The air is brisk, but there’s no snow yet. Humidity and bugs are gone (and so are tourists.) With the right outdoor gear, the changing conditions of this transitional time between autumn and winter can be faced capably and comfortably.
Overshoes are a key part of that transition - especially when fluctuating temperatures affect the ground underfoot. They’re a versatile and durable solution for out-of-doors work or sport.
Designed to fit over your existing outdoor footwear, the Villager Overshoe by NEOS combines lightweight and compact convenience with 100% weatherproof protection.
With a wide gusset for easy on/off accessibility, Villager Overshoes have a drawstring top, and adjustable buckle for a customizable fit. The nylon upper is lined with a fully waterproof membrane for puddles, mud, or slush, and the no-slip outsole will keep you stable on wet or uneven surfaces.
Whether walking in the woods or wading in lake water, Villager Overshoes will keep your feet and shoes completely dry and protected. Wear them hunting in boggy or damp terrain, or fishing on the boat. Bring them camping or on a nature hike in unsettled weather. The flexible nylon upper can be folded and/or rolled tightly around the overshoe’s base for portability, fitting easily into a backpack, suitcase, or bundle.
Villager Overshoes are also excellent to keep in the car in case of inclement weather, or as part of an emergency kit. They are especially handy for those employed in outdoor, multi-climate professions such as: service and repair, security, postal delivery, construction, farming, surveying... the list goes on.
Overshoes are gender neutral and should be sized up to fit over your current footwear. The Villager design is available in Black, sizes SM - XXL. Order yours online today: As cold weather approaches, protect yourself and your shoes from the elements with a must- have pair of durable, weatherproof Villager Overshoes by NEOS.
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Looking at your Villager Mid. I have size 10 – 10.5 shoe size. What do you recommend?