RCMP officers will find the STABILicer line of NEOS to work particularly well for their line of work because they are ideal for those wearing work boots or combat boots and offer the best traction of all our NEOS. Some have tried the Navigator 5 and agree that they are a good pair of NEOS because they offer the warmth and protection you need while working anywhere across our vast country. The superior traction is helpful on ice, slippery rocks and anything you might come across while travelling on foot in any season. The Navigator 5, along with all our Insulated NEOS offer extra protection so you can wear your warm boots inside them and gain double the insulation and twice the distance from the cold outdoor surface, because of the sole of your boot plus the sole of your overshoe. 100% waterproof and guaranteed to keep your feet warm during long outdoor shifts throughout the winter, RCMP officers are sure to love the Navigator 5's or any NEOS for that matter.