In the dead of winter, you need to take all of the appropriate precautions to stay warm. This is especially true for anyone who has to work outdoors. There are many jobs and hobbies that require regular time spent outdoors and if you are not dressed appropriately it can make your work and leisure activities miserable. Whether you are delivering mail, showing real estate, collecting waste, ice fishing, dog sledding, working on hydro lines, ext… you need to be warmly dressed and you need to protect yourself against the cold and bitter weather. NEOS Overshoe is your best friend when it comes to protecting your feet from getting cold or wet.
Getting the Right Type of NEOS
There are all types of styles of NEOS from short or tall to insulated or thin. NEOS can protect any footwear against snow, water or ice. They simply go over your shoes and you can head out the door. Selecting the right NEOS for your task is important so you can get the most from your overshoes. If you plan on having any regular encounter with icy and slippery surfaces, the
NEOS STABILicers® are your best option. Of course an avid ice fisherman is going to want the STABILicers® so that they can grip the ice using the cleats. Other people who might benefit from cleats are those who work in real estate and need to show homes in rural areas that don’t always get salted. Postal workers who have to walk door to door and hit ice on sidewalks and driveways need the traction of STABILicers®. The list goes on and on for those who could benefit from the traction of NEOS STABILicers®.
Unique Cleats
What makes NEOS STABILicers® so unique is the 32 replaceable cleats embedded in the sole of the boots. These cleats will grip the ice and make it impossible for you to slip. NEOS TABILicers® have all the benefits of regular NEOS including being 100% waterproof, rugged, lightweight and easy to take on and off, however they have the added cleats built right into the boots outer sole. If you need to use the Overshoes without the cleats, you can remove them with the cleat wrench which is included with each pair in a handy pocket.
Alternative ICER'S
For those who need traction but already own a pair of insulated and waterproof boots, you might want to consider
ICER'S XT™. These are even easier to take on and off and are convenient if you need to drive and want traction when you step out of your vehicle. We recommend ICERS’S XT for seniors who would suffer severe injuries if they ever slipped on ice. ICER’S are super lightweight and easy to take with you on any journey. Of course, if you are looking for an Overshoe and need protection for your shoes and feet, than you will want NEOS.

NEOS and ICER’S TX are designed to make your life easier and your time outdoors more enjoyable. They will quickly become your best friend when you head out the doors in the cold, icy and snowy weather. Here at NEOS Overshoe Canada we sell and retail a variety of NEOS products as well as other outdoors accessories that can help you protect your feet and footwear. You will enjoy shopping on our 100% secure online store and we are always happy to assist you in selecting the right product and size by phone or email. We ship to Canada and the USA every day and provide fast affordable shipping. We can also accommodate international orders. People who don’t have NEOS Overshoes on their feet are cold, wet and often miserable, so treat your feet to dry, comfort, traction and protection with a pair of NEOS Overshoes today!
In response to Anas: Thank you for your inquiries. You can see our various options for boots or footwear by visiting the ‘traction overshoes’ under the products menu button. If you have further questions please call us @ 855-273-2181 or email us so we can discuss specific questions and we can help recommend the best product to suit your needs.
Dear Customer Service,
I am in the market for a new pair of ice boots cleats and I have a few questions about the various options available.
First, I was wondering if there is a significant difference in the level of traction provided by different types of cleats. For example, do steel cleats offer better traction on ice than rubber cleats?
I am also interested in the durability of the different cleat materials. I tend to wear my ice boots frequently in the winter months and I want to make sure that I invest in a pair of cleats that will last for multiple seasons.
Additionally, I was wondering if the type of ice boot that I choose will impact the performance of the cleats. For example, do boots with a more rigid sole provide better support and stability for the cleats?
I would greatly appreciate any guidance or recommendations you could provide on these topics. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Anas Amin